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The SDG Fund is operationally closed. This site is alive for knowledge and dissemination purposes.
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We work with UN agencies, governments, civil society, business, academia and communities to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is in the SDG Fund’s DNA to rely on the power of public-private partnerships to improve sustainable development.

Joint programmes

The SDG Fund works on the ground through joint programmes, an innovative modality of the UN. Based on their expertise and in-country presence, relevant UN agencies come together and work under the leadership of the UN Resident Coordinator. The agencies partner with national and local government counterparts, civil society and the private sector to design and implement innovative projects to achieve the SDGs. All joint programmes are aligned with national priorities outlined in the UN Development Assistance.

UN partnerships

The SDG Fund supports UN initiatives that aim to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. For example, the SDG Fund has supported the UN post-2015 consultations, the SAMOA Pathway, and the Small Islands Developing States Conference, a partnership to promote peace and security in Central America, and other UN advocacy activities to promote SDGs.

Research and knowledge

The SDG Fund Secretariat is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the Fund’s joint programmes, as well as managing knowledge gained from its work. We are also working closely with universities and academic partners, establishing partnerships in order to share best practices and lessons learned from the ground. Examples of our work can be found in the SDG library as well as this series of promising case studies.

Monitoring and evaluation

As a results-oriented cooperation mechanism, our focus is on delivering results that positively impact citizens and institutions. This goes hand-in-hand with our emphasis on mutual accountability for all partners. Our programmes are backed by a rigorous monitoring and evaluation system, which helps us learn and improve future decisions.

Advocacy for SDGs

The SDG Fund uses a range of communication tools to actively promote SDGs. This includes campaigning, engaging chefs to rethink the way we cook, working with musicians, and partnering with media organizations to  make the SDGs an agenda for all of us.


Advancing SDGs is our core business. Here you can find examples of our work.