Financial information
Financial information
The Sustainable Development Goals Fund was created through an initial allocation of approximately USD $45 million from the Government of Spain. The SDG Fund was conceived as a multi-partner facility and is open to other public and private donors interested in advancing sustainable development through UN agencies coordination.
Financial management is carried out by an independent administrative agent, the Multipartner Trust Fund (MPTF). The MPTF is a UN office that supports development effectiveness and UN coherence. The MPTF Officer manages the disbursement of resources based on the Steering Committee’s directives.
The SDG Fund budget is invested in two types of activities:
- Joint programmes in the field. The majority of the budget is invested in sustainable development on the ground. As of January 2017, 22 joint programmes have been approved with a total budget of USD $69,361,021. Of this, USD $40,010,413 is in matching fund contributions from other national and international partners, including national governments and the private sector. The SDG Fund joint programmes are supported through matching funds by the following contributors: Australia (through ITC), Bangladesh, Bolivia, Canada (through FAO), Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, El Salvador, European Commission (through UN Women), Guatemala, Honduras, Italy (through UN Agencies), Netherlands (through FAO), Norway (matching funds and through UN Agencies), Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Samoa, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Sweden (through UN Agencies and TASAF), Tanzania, United Kingdom/DFID (through UN Agencies and TASAF), USA/USAID (through TASAF) and Viet Nam. The SDG Fund contributions to joint programmes are channeled to country offices through UN participating agency headquarters.
- UN Partnerships. The SDG Fund supports UN initiatives aimed at facilitating a smooth transition from MDGs to SDGs, employing lessons learned from the previous MDG Fund. For example, it has supported the UNDG's Dialogues on post-2015 implementation and the preparation and organization of the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
All the financial information and disbursements of the SDG Fund can be monitored in real-time at the MPTF Gateway.
Accountability and transparency
All UN participant organizations are subject to audit in accordance with the financial rules and regulations endorsed by their respective executive boards and governing bodies. In addition, consolidated narrative reports are produced every 6 months, as well as at the end of each programme. A comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system helps to detect potential areas that require improvement and immediate action.
An interagency audit carried out in 2017 by the Internal Audit Services of the UN confirmed the reliability and integrity of the financial and operation information of the SDG Fund.
In the following graphs you can find some information on the distribution of the SDG Fund joint programmes by region, implementing UN agency and priority area.