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Chronic malnutrition in infants in El Salvador
National level statistics in El Salvador show that chronic child malnutrition is prevalent and that it begins with limited healthy eating practices for pregnant women and less exclusive breastfeeding.
The programme
The SDG Fund programme takes a multi-sectorial and multidimensional approach, with inclusion and participation of actors linked to food security and nutrition at different stages of the project cycle. It supports the Government’s plan, “El Salvador Ahead.”
The approach
The programme's objectives will be achieved by:
- Strengthening public policy and support for the joint construction of initiatives.
- Improving local production and import substitution, both of raw materials and finished products.
- Increasing communities’ resilience to adapt to climate change, reducing vulnerabilities to food production.
- Expanding local nutrition information systems.
Quick facts
Country: El Salvador
Total programme budget: $4.2 million
% funded by SDG-F: 35%
UN agencies: FAO, UNICEF, WHO and WFP
National partners: National and Local Government and Private Sector organizations. Higher Education institutions and Non Profit Organizations.
Duration: January 26, 2015 to May 25, 2017
Total programme budget: $4.2 million
% funded by SDG-F: 35%
UN agencies: FAO, UNICEF, WHO and WFP
National partners: National and Local Government and Private Sector organizations. Higher Education institutions and Non Profit Organizations.
Duration: January 26, 2015 to May 25, 2017