The SDG Fund is operationally closed. This site is alive for knowledge and dissemination purposes.
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How we work
Transparency and Reporting
Transparency and mutual accountability are critical for the SDG Fund. Direct access to financial and programmatic information of the joint programmes is some of the SDG Fund’s key assets. A strong accountability and transparency policy gives stakeholders and donors direct access to the latest information of each programme.
- The MPTF provides information on financial disbursements and publishes annual financial reports, which are available online.
- Donors and stakeholders participate in the joint programmes’s National Steering Committee.
- An online monitoring platform supplies programmes bi-annual monitoring and financial reports.
- At the end of each programme, an independent evaluation is commissioned and a final report is provided by UN agencies.
Through the MPTF, the online monitoring platform of joint programmes and the evaluation strategy, donors, beneficiaries and stakeholders have direct, first-hand and independent access to the SDG Fund´s reporting system.