Knowledge Management
With a vast experience of more than 150 joint programmes around the world, the SDG Fund’s knowledge management strategy aims at collecting and disseminating insight for development partners worldwide. The SDG Fund is also working closely with universities and academic partners.
The SDG Fund Secretariat, based in the UN Headquarters, is responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the Fund’s joint programmes, as well as for the management of the knowledge gained from its current and previous work.
To this end, in addition to incorporating knowledge management into the joint programmes’ management and learning cycle, the SDG-F establishes knowledge partnerships with a number of UN agencies and academic institutions. The purpose of these alliances is to analyze the current SDG Fund and previous MDG Fund programmes’ good practices and lessons learned and to promote South-South cooperation by facilitating the exchange of experiences between countries.
The SDG Fund is expanding its knowledge efforts and new partnerships with research institutions around the world with a stronger focus on the implementation of the new Sustainable Development Goals agenda.
For example,
- The SDG Library. An online platform that hosts the vast knowledge resources of the SDG Fund. The library also links to publications from key UN Agencies, development banks, and academic institutions and research gathered for the implementation of development goals. It has been created to fill an important gap: an online platform for publications with accessible content related to the SDGs.
- The SDG Chair. The Academic Chair on Development and Poverty Eradication is a joint initiative of the Sustainable Development Goals Fund with universities around the world. Its objective is to promote the engagement of universities around the world in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through training, advocacy and research activities.
- The SDG Fund collaborates with the University of Pennsylvania Law School that brings its knowledge and resources to support sustainable development throughout the world. This includes, for example, legal research and establishing public-private sector collaboration with prestigious legal firms.
- The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), with the SDG Fund, has developed an online tool for business and governments supporting key training to build collaboration on SDGs. The online program offers a new e-Learning tool to provide specialized training modules as part of an overall course to promote the SDGs and help the public and private sector gain a better understanding of the United Nations and the 17 goals.
- The Future United Nations Development System (FUNDS) project of the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies, located at the City University of New York’s Graduate Center, is developing an independent overview of the MDG Fund's objectives and results with a view to identify lessons learned that can inform the implementation of the post 2015 development agenda.
The SDG-F Secretariat works also directly to promote the analysis of lessons learned, the exchange of experiences between countries and the development of a knowledge reservoir both on the joint programmes model and on sectorial issues, including sustainable development case studies.
The SDG Fund actively participates in research activities, producing high quality research papers, books and engages in side events organized by the UN entities to support the generation and dissemination of knowledge on sustainable development.
SDG Library
As governments, civil society, businesses and researchers are engaging in understanding and achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the SDG Fund is proud to launch this library to fill an important gap: creating an online platform for publications with accessible content related to the SDGs.