Armed conflict and poverty in Colombia
The armed conflict in Colombia has damaged production, institutions, food security, and social trust. Due to the causes and consequences of conflict, the territories of Cauca in Southern Colombia are vulnerable. Organizational structures are weakened, production processes have been marginalized, food autonomy is in decline, and the social fabric is fractured.
The programme
This SDG Fund programme will be implemented in 4 municipalities in the South of Cauca, with great potential in paving the way towards progress on rural development. The programme aims to create employment, livelihood, better nutrition and, most importantly, peace in Cauca, through the sustainable agricultural production of indigenous crops. The targeted groups include approximately 1000 families and 20 rural farmer organizations.
The approach
The programme will carry out activities in the Cauca region with the following objectives in mind:
- Provision of micronutrients for infants and children under 5 years and pregnant women, deworming, and training for proper use.
- Strengthening local capacity for participatory, coordinated and gender-sensitive inclusive economic development and food and nutrition security through social, intercultural and inter-sectorial dialogue.
- Progressive support for community autonomy in food and nutrition security, integrating actions and knowledge, agency commitments with organizations and local and regional producers.
- Improving economic capacities of small farmers through strengthening livelihoods, diversified production, value chains, and development of inclusive markets as a means of building peace in the territories.
Quick facts
Total programme budget: $3.2 million
% funded by SDG-F: 46%
UN agencies: UNDP, UN Women, FAO and WFP
National partners: Presidential Agency for International Cooperation, Department for Social Prosperity, National Agency for Poverty Eradication, ministries of Foreign Trade, Health and Agriculture, Government of Cauca, University of Cauca, Coffee Growers Federation, social organizations (indigenous peoples, rural women, quinua growers and rural producers).
Duration: February 3, 2015 to June 30, 2017