What is sustainable cooking?
What we eat and how we cook affects our health and the health of our planet. “Food should not be a threat to sustainability, but a source of sustainable development,” according to the Roca Brothers, who have used this ideal as a key part of their mission to fight poverty as newly appointed UNDP Goodwill Ambassadors to work with the Sustainable Development Goals Fund.
What we eat as well as the methods we choose to cook and harvest our food, affects our individual health and that of our planet. By cooking sustainably we can contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development goals, the world plan for the next 14 years.
In order to achieve the SDGs, we need a better understanding of how people’s food choices affect local sustainability, health and the environment. Putting sustainable cooking at the forefront of change, the Roca Brothers remain eager to spread this important message and explore new approaches to creating more resilient food practices. By changing how we cook, we can contribute to the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Issues such as food sourcing, waste reduction and food preparation are areas all linked to food security and must be addressed in order to improve nutritional outcomes.

With this in mind, the Roca Brothers along with the Sustainable Development Goals Fund, we invite you to share your vision as part of our #recipe4change, a global contest for sustainable cooking. To participate just follow these 4 steps:
To participate just follow these 4 steps:
- Take on the challenge. Every month (October, November and December), the Roca Brothers will use the SDG Fund social media accounts to launch a unique sustainable cooking challenge that will require you to come up with an innovative recipe idea.
- Cook it. Prepare a recipe that offers a unique approach to food preparation. You can share your recipe via simple write up, video or with photos.
- Share it for good. Get involved through Facebook (SDGFund page on Facebook will publish the challenge on a post and users must participate on its comments), Instagram (publish your recipe using the hashtag #Recipe4Change) and Twitter using the hashtag #recipe4change tagging @SDGFund so the Roca Brothers and their team can discover your sustainable recipe. Tell us what makes your recipe special in terms of sustainability. Per each entry received, Ebro Foods will make a donation to SDG Fund's nutrition and food projects.
- Spread the word as part of the #recipe4change social media wall. The SDG Fund and Roca Brothers will curate a selection of the most creative and innovative recipes and will build a special social media site to showcase all recipes entered.
At the end of each month, the Roca Brothers will select and showcase one outstanding #recipe4change. And at the end of the contest, the recipe that best promotes sustainable cooking will be declared the winning #recipe4change.
For each entry received, Ebro Foods will make a contribution to SDG Fund's nutrition projects. This means your recipe will have a direct impact on the lives of people all over the world.
The prize
- The global challenge winner will spend a day in famed restaurant El Celler can Roca in Spain preparing the #recipe4change in the Roca’s kitchen and dining with the Chefs.
- For the monthly challenge winners, each winner will receive an autographed copy of the Roca Brothers cookbook .
But perhaps in the long term, the best prize for each participant is contributing to advocate for greater food security, healthier diets and a more equitable planet.