Terms and conditions
The sustainable cooking contest #recipe4change is organized by the Sustainable Development Goals Fund and the chefs Roca Brothers. It is open to any individual or collective that wants to explore the importance of sustainable food and its impact on our daily lives. By cooking better and more sustainably we can build a better world.
The contest will last, initially, for 6 months. Each month a new challenge will be published. The Roca Brothers and SDG Fund will choose a winner per challenge.
Per each challenge, any individual living in any part of the world can participate by publishing a recipe on social media in response to the set challenge:
- Twitter: Tweet the recipe using #recipe4change hashtag.
- Facebook: Post the recipe in the comments of the SDG Fund page's post for each challenge.
- Instagram: Publish the recipe using #recipe4change hashtag.
Participants can participate in one or more challenges.
Jordi Roca, Joan Roca and Joseph Roca will make up the jury that chooses the winning recipe for each challenge. The challenge winner will receive an autographed book by the Roca Brothers. The overall winner (author of the top sustainable recipe received throughout the entire competion) will have the opportunity to travel to Spain, cook with the Roca Brothers and dine in their restaurant.
Winning recipes will be selected according to these criteria:
• The quality of the recipe.
• The interactions on that post/tweet/comment (likes, retweets).
• How well the recipe responds to that month's challenge.
Requirements and conditions
Every user will be able to participate, regardless of country of origin and residence.
Participants have to create their own recipe according to the indications of each challenge published on the SDG Fund official website.
Participants must upload their recipe to one of the social networks outlined previously (Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, following the instructions for that particular social media channel). In the Instagram post or in the Twitter publication, the established hashtag must appear. Users can also participate by uploading a picture to the official SDG Fund fanpage on Facebook, as a comment in the post referring to that specific challenge. Publications in Instagram or Twitter without the established hashtag or comments not published in the right challenge post on Facebook will be disqualified and will not be taken into account for the contest.
A curated selection of participations will be published on a social wall on the contest website. On this social media wall, other users can see all the entries, vote for their favorites and interact with them by sharing, liking or retweeting.
Each user can only win one of the challenges. No user can receive the prize twice.
Winners will have 7 days to contact to the organizers and provide them their personal information. If such period expires without the said contact taking place, organizers will contact the second finalist for that challenge. If this happens with the second and the third finalist, the award shall be declared void.
Winners will be published in the SDG Fund website. Winners will also be published on social networks.
Participants must submit original recipes, prepared specifically for the #recipe4change contest. By submitting a recipe you affirm that you own the recipe and pictures you publish. Entries cannot be the property of third parties. The SDG Fund, Roca Brothers, and any other partners involved in the contest shall not be held liable for any complaint related to this contest. Participant are solely repsonsible for their entries. The SDG Fund and the Roca Brothers reserve the right to disqualify any participant who can not prove the authorship of the recipe published.
Participants assign the material published copyright for its reproduction and promote the contest, actions or projects related to the SDG Fund activities.
All actions attacking the honour, right to privacy or promoting violent or xenophobic behaviors, will be automatically disqualified.
Jury will be composed of Joan Roca, Jordi Roca and Josep Roca. There is no right of appeal against the Jury's decision, and the Jury reserves the right not to select a winner.
Participating in the #recipe4change contest constitutes agreement with the terms and conditions explained in this contest rules.
The SDG Fund can modify, interpret and give solution to any problem related to the contest rules or awarding the prize. Decision shall be without appeal. First and foremost, the SDG Fund will take action in case the principles of the UN are not respected.