November 11, 2016
Launch of the report on universality, business and SDGs
Follow launch online (starting at 3 p.m. EST)
With the SDGs now firmly underway, the SDG Fund is pleased to release its new report, entitled Universality and the SDGs: A business perspective, focused on the overarching concept of universality and the SDGs. The SDG Fund looks forward to showcasing highlights from the report in a special program on November 11th (3.00 - 5.00 p.m) at the United Nations headquarters in New York (ECOSOC Chamber).
Based on a series of global workshops and dialogues with the private sector, the new report examines some of the key issues facing businesses working to incorporate and implement the SDGs within their organization. Uniquely, the report also covers the important topic of Universality, what it is, and how it was envisioned as part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as a part of the larger global framework for development.
Underpinning this report, is the insight and input from discussion no only with Private Sector Advisory Group companies, but with a wider range of businesses at different stages of their engagement with the SDGs. The report highlights common elements gleaned from more structured workshops held in Nigeria, Colombia, Spain, and the United States and provide an opportunity to share new knowledge and best practices with other companies. Insights from over 100 companies all over the globe have informed the document.
This report also offers a rare and often candid perspective on a variety of topics including improving the climate for the practical applications of the SDGs and developing solutions to harness the full potential of how business can understand the Universal Agenda of the SDGs.
Many companies admitted that they were yet to fully comprehend the depth of the SDGs and in some cases-- how to best implement them, but others were fully embedding the SDGs as part of their current initiatives and into their planning processes, and in some cases already contributing to the achievement of one or more of the Goals. Perhaps most valuable in the findings is the understanding that with small adjustments (technical training and greater advocacy/education) many companies could be brought up to speed and more in line with the SDG agenda’s varied targets and aims.
This publication also features a sections on available tools from the UN Global Compact and insight from business leaders and best practices culled from interviews with business professionals (from companies both large and small) which is designed to help both the private sector and showcase some case studies from the SDG Fund Private Sector Advisory Group.
Speakers will include:
- Michael O’Neill (TBC),UN Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Director of the Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy
- H.E. Gustavo Meza-Cuadra, Ambassador,Permanent Representative of Peru to the United Nations
- H.E. Marco A. Suazo, Head of Office, UNITAR
- Tonye Cole, Co-Founder and Group CEO, Sahara Group
- Javier M Flores, Director-General, BBVA Microfinance Foundation
- Paloma Duran, Director, SDG-Fund
Attendants without UN badge must register in advance.
Follow the discussion on twitter: #BIZandUN
For more information: teresa.burelli [at]