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Water supply study, Neum

Neum is a town and municipality located in the south of Herzegovina. It is Bosnia-Herzegovina only exit to the Adriatic Sea. This report has four main objectives: 1) provide a current situation analysis of the water supply system of Neum as well as an analysis of development projects, studies, project solutions and harmonization of development of water supply systems with development plans and projects, 2) draft a water supply master plan for partner municipalities, 3) prioritize a plan of investment measures for a period of 10 years, and 4) conduct a feasibility study for priority investment measures.

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Water supply study, Petrovo

Petrovo Municipality is located in the northeastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This report has four main objectives: 1) provide a current situation analysis of the water supply system of Petrovo as well as an analysis of development projects, studies, project solutions and harmonization of development of water supply systems with development plans and projects, 2) draft a water supply master plan for partner municipalities, 3) prioritize a plan of investment measures for a period of 10 years, and 4) conduct a feasibility study for priority investment measures.

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