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An evidence-based review of MDG-F experiences: a contribution to the QCPR process

This document was prepared by the MDG-F in 2012 to systemize its experience to date in joint programming and implementation through its 130 joint programmes in 50 countries across five regions in eight thematic areas. The document includes evidence based lessons and good practices on issues closely related to those that were discussed during the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR), with the goal of contributing to this QCPR process. These issues include: 1. The coherence, effectiveness, relevance, and efficiency of development programmes; 2. National ownership of development processes and results; 3. Capacity development and sustainability of development results; and 4. Mutual accountability.

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A snapshot of views and experiences piloting new development approaches through the MDG Achievement Fund in Ethiopia

With support from the MDG Achievement Fund, the government of Ethiopia and the United Nations (UN) tested new approaches for involving some of the most vulnerable people more actively in the country’s development process. Through five programmes, new development approaches were piloted with impressive results. In addition to adopting a holistic, cross-sectorial approach, each programme focused on investing in individuals’ capabilities and social opportunities. They also strengthened entire communities through economic and self-help groups. This snapshot covers programme highlights, strategies implemented, and lessons learned from the field.

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Climate resilient farming communities in Agusan del Norte, Philippines

This report was part of a project that aimed to develop and test financial safety nets for vulnerable populations, especially women, and to develop the capacities of vulnerable populations to participate and avail of the benefits under economic diversification and a democratized governance system. A component of this project was the Social Amelioration Program (SAP) which was an amelioration and welfare scheme for sugar workers derived from the contribution of the millers and planters in the Philippines. The results of the vulnerability and adaptation analysis and the farm value chain analysis were able to identify the different risk factors the pilot project sites and the farming communities are susceptible to. It concludes with recommendations on how to ensure success in the administration of the Social Amelioration Program.

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Taking a value chain approach towards local economic development and women's economic empowerment in Vietnam

Recognizing the need to increase income and to promote employment opportunities for the rural poor in Viet Nam, the Government of Viet Nam and the United Nations launched a Joint Programme on Green Production and Trade to Increase Income and Employment Opportunities for the Rural Poor in 2010. The programme supports the handicrafts sector, recognizing its importance as a major source of income for smallholder farmers and landless poor, and has a high potential for creating employment opportunities in rural areas by promoting entrepreneurship and sustainable production. This document presents the experience of the programme in strengthening the Sericulture value chain in Quy Cahu district of Nghe An province and shows how strengthening the value chain contributed to economic empowerment of women and their negotiation power, increased income and employment opportunities in rural areas, and preservation of the environment and local ethnic minority traditions. This document zooms in on the Hoa Tien Textile Cooperative, a group of women weavers that belong to the Thai ethnic minority.

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Impact Assessment Study on joint programme on green production and trade in Vietnam

This report details the processes behind a programme that increased income, enhanced productivity and created a significant number of jobs throughout the handicraft supply chain in Northern Vietnam. The programme applied a value chain approach to develop a better integrated, pro-poor and environmentally sustainable “green” value chain. The programme’s successes in enhanced productivity and increased employment stem from two main outputs: the introduction of innovative equipment & tools to craft producers and capacity building activities in support of SME’s. As a result, two local provinces are mobilizing funding for the up-scaling and replication of these activities, specifically focused on the bamboo/rattan and sericulture value chains.

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Voices of youth: quantitative research findings of survey on youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Voices of Youth survey was carried out in 2012 within the UN Youth Employability and Retention Programme. The purpose of this project has been to conduct a survey that can serve as a baseline for the development of more adequate youth policies as well as to enable young people to participate more actively in society. This survey examines the experiences, attitudes, opinions and wishes of young people in terms of education, employment and the labour market, the economic situation, the level of social protection, political and other forms of social participation and other related issues. Its findings are intended to help UN agencies, policy makers and development practitioners in Bosnia and Herzogovina (BiH) plan new youth oriented social policies that will address the existing challenges that face young people in BiH today.

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Reforming the Serbian public employment service to improve service delivery to disadvantaged youth

This report reviews the type and sequence of employment services offered to disadvantaged youth in Serbia with a view of improving their effectiveness and also presents a brief overview of a two-day workshop that was conducted on monitoring and evaluation of active labour market programmes. A detailed analysis of the challenges facing employment counselors and offers recommendations on how to improve employment service delivery through means such as responsibility-sharing with other service providers and early identification of job seekers’ needs.

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Impact of the financial crisis on the labour market and living conditions outcomes in Serbia

This study provides an in depth analysis of the Serbian labor market in the pre-crisis and post-crisis years. The global financial crisis of 2008-2009 impacted nations across the world and this document details how the crisis unfolded in Serbia and explains why labor market conditions did not deteriorate as drastically as in other countries. This document will be useful for economists and practitioners who are seeking to understand the internal dynamics of the Serbian labor market.

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Manual for conducting market assessments

A market assessment is a rapid snapshot of what goods and services are available and an idea of how satisfied consumers are with the goods and services offered in a local market. It identifies goods that are in demand, but not being provided by businesses. This manual is for National and State Ministries, development partners, NGOs, and community based organizations who wish to offer relevant vocational and livelihoods training that are tailored to their local labour market and marketplaces. It will help you design and guide vocational and livelihoods training programmes and can be used prior to the start of or during the programme design phase.

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Creating an evidence base for effective vocational and livelihoods training

This report presents a comparative analysis of twenty four skills and market assessments undertaken between May 2011 and December 2012. It provides an overview of the methodology used as well as an in depth analysis into local market dynamics in South Sudan. However, the report offers insights for practitioners designing or implementing similar programs across the globe. Some general suggested approaches include the matching of training to needs of employers, integrating basic education into vocational training and combining microfinance lending with vocational and business training.

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Case Study of youth's financial inclusion in post and ongoing conflictareas in Sudan

The main objective of this study is to review the opportunities and challenges that face the demand side of targeted young people, especially women and vulnerable groups in micro-finance. It also seeks to review policies, programmes and experiences of service providers to identify successes and failures and lessons learned. The study provides recommendations to local governments in Sudan on how to better support and facilitate the operations of microfinance NGO’s. Some of the recommendations include the need to build smart partnerships with investment ministries at the federal and state levels, incorporate microfinance into education curriculums, create legislation for land tenure registration as collateral and establish youth employment commission at the federal level.

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One stop resource centre for youth and migrants

This manual is designed to serve as a user-friendly reference guide in establishing and operating a One-Stop Resource Centre (OSRC) for migrant families and the youth. To assist countries like the Philippines that are dealing with overseas migration and seeking ways to reach out to migrant communities, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has globally promoted the creation of Migrant Resource Centres (MRCs). These centres provide avenues for organized responses to migration challenges as well as range of programmes and services necessary for empowering and protecting migrants and harnessing the benefits of migration for socioeconomic development.

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Campaign against illegal recruitment, trafficking and irregular migration, CAIRTIM

This Trainer’s Manual is intended for individuals engaged in providing training and counseling to prospective migrants. It was designed to fit the needs and capabilities of both experienced and novice trainers. This manual will help assist the trainers in conditioning the prospective migrants of the proper mindset when making a decision to live or work abroad, provide the trainers with accurate and useful information that they need to convey to individuals who are participants to pre-employment orientation seminars, and set the minimum standard for delivering the key messages that need to be relayed to prospective migrants.

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Youth migration from the Philippines: Brain drain and brain waste

This study examines the whether or not the high percentage of professionals among youth working abroad could be construed as a form of brain drain. It looks at the underlying sources of the high propensity of Filipinos to seek jobs overseas and why the number of deployed Filipino migrants keeps increasing every year. Conclusions and recommendations include the need to reform the fragmented education system which results in many graduates seeking employment in occupations different from their preparation, the need to improve data collection systems, and the need to offer adequate information services and mediation to applicants for work overseas.

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The Filipino youth and the employment-migration nexus

This report analyses the international migration patterns for employment in the Philippines and offers suggestions on how to respond to them. Presently more than 10% of the national population is based abroad. This study also aims to better understand the link between youth employment and migration and how to broaden the youth’s options in these areas. It recommends promoting the hiring of young workers via incentives such as tax breaks, improving education and dissemination of information on job opportunities both within the country and abroad, and it notes the need to engage young Filipinos overseas to improve data collection and develop “brain gain” policies and programs.

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National youth employment program and pilot implementation in Antalya: the structure of rural employment in Turkey

This study addresses the structural decline of employment in Turkey’s agricultural sector and offers suggestions on increasing job opportunities in rural areas of the country. Some recommendations are to encourage added value organic farming, livestock, rural tourism as well as agro-business activities, such as food processing and cottage industries to address the dearth of opportunities for women acting as unpaid family workers in agricultural areas.

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Improved capabilities and resources to build women’s economic and social security

This document presents lessons and results of specific relevance to shaping the post-2015 development framework in regards to improved capabilities and resources including improved knowledge and health and access to resources and opportunities to build women’s economic and social security. It presents case studies of 10 different programmes implemented by the MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F) in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Honduras, Namibia, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam. Each case identifies the the key actors, objectives, strategy, results, sustainability analysis and lessons learned.

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Review of MDG-F joint programmes: key findings and achievements

The review presents the key findings and achievements of the 130 joint programmes across 50 countries supported by the MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F) covering eight thematic areas: children, food security and nutrition; youth employment and migration; culture and development; gender equity and women’s empowerment; private sector and development; conflict prevention and peace building; environment and climate change; and democratic economic governance.

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Culture and development: review of MDG-F joint programmes key findings and achievements

This thematic study aims to capture the main achievements of the 18 Joint Programmes (JPs) funded under the Thematic Window on Culture and Development of the MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F).

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Engaging with the urban poor and their organizations for poverty reduction and urban governance

This paper is primarily about the initiatives of organizations formed by the urban poor themselves and the potential these have as partners for UNDP offices. This includes the work of grassroots organizations formed around savings groups, mostly managed by women and in which most savers are women. This paper has a particular interest in how the scale and scope of what they do and what they can influence has been increased by the city-wide and national federations that they have formed, and the local NGOs that support them.

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Youth, employment and migration MDG-F thematic study: review of key findings and achievements

This report sets out to capture the main achievements and results of the 15 Joint Programmes (JPs) within the thematic window on Youth, Employment and Migration of the Millennium Development Goal Achievement Fund (MDG-F YEM). The work on this thematic area was initiated in August 2007, with the outcomes of the Joint Programmes expected to have an accelerating influence on both the achievement of national development priorities and the Millennium Development Goals.

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Operationalizing gender aspects in the creative industries support programme in Cambodia

The document analyses gender aspects in the value chains targeted by the MDG-F’s Creative Industries Support Program (CISP) by identifying the issues affecting gender equality. The first section provides an overview of the situation of women in the economy, the second chapter includes the analysis of the value chains supported by CISP and a summary of few stakeholders engaged in gender and women entrepreneurship development. The third section incorporates the conclusions of the focus group discussions and the interviews conducted. Finally, the last part contains recommendations and actions that if implemented would improve CISP’s impact on achieving gender equality in the cultural industries value chains. Even if challenges met by women are usually the same as men but still, women are worse off due to less access to education and training, gender discrimination, and gender norms that assign women a lower status than men. Special consideration should be given to these women who have demonstrated success and should be used as role models, increasing the recognition and respect for women’s contribution to the overall economy.

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