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Joint programmes for food and nutrition security
Published by: MDG Achievement Fund and UNICEF
This document presents a qualitative review of agricultural programming for nutrition among the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund (MDG-F) Joint Programmes.focuses on nutrition-sensitive agricultural activities among the MDG-F joint programmes. The specific objectives of this paper are to 1) provide policymakers and practitioners with an overview of the MDG-F joint programmes and how they integrated agricultural and nutrition-specific interventions, 2) determine the extent to which joint programmes’ designs incorporated the principles embodied in the ‘Synthesis of Guiding Principles on Agriculture Programming for Nutrition’, 3) discuss the challenges and lessons learned from the MDG-F’s experience in incorporating agricultural programming in joint programmes, and 4) make recommendations for the design for future joint programmes that integrate food security and nutrition in order to better synergize agriculture and nutrition activities. The review is the product of the joint efforts of the MDG-F and UNICEF to generate knowledge and provide evidence-based solutions for how to take a comprehensive look at the problem of malnutrition and food insecurity.
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General Information
SDGs | |
Published | 2013 |
Thematic Area | Food security and nutrition |