October 29, 2018
Organic lenca coffee to wake up hope
In the Department of Intibucá, in rural Honduras, between fertile mountains and greenish farms, there is the small community of El Picacho, where a group of 22 indigenous Lenca women have created a cooperative to produce and market organic coffee, which receives the support of the Ruta Lenca program promoted by the Sustainable Development Goals Fund (SDG Fund) in the country to help improve the living conditions of the indigenous Lenca population. Tasty coffee made by indigenous women to wake up hope.
Fortalecimiento, Unión y Libertad is the name of the organization composed of this group of women, between 20 and 50 years old, from the El Picacho community. This community, which was in a situation of vulnerability due to the lack of jobs and adequate means of living, now has the support of these entrepreneurs, who are helping to promote their culture and the conservation of the environment through the establishment of farms. organic coffee and creole seed recovery; now they will improve their income and that of their families.
This project initiative is one of the 38 projects financed by the Lenca Route Joint Program, which is integrated by UNDP agencies, UN Women Honduras, Spanish Cooperation, Secretary of Economic Development, the Sustainable Development Goals Fund.

Entrepreneur groups of the "Ruta Lenca" Circuit in Honduras, mainly composed of women and young people, have been taking leadership since 2015 in the development of their communities through participation in workshops and projects with the support of the Lenca Route Joint Program promoted by the SDG Fund.
This is a coordinated action with municipal technicians, specialists of the Ruta Lenca Joint Program and the same indigenous Lenca leaders; who contribute their ideas and project initiatives to promote economic development from their own communities; to contribute to improving living conditions and political and social inclusion, especially of Lenca indigenous women and youth, historically excluded.
This is the second workshop for the elaboration of project proposals, with the participation of ten groups of women, mixed groups, and youth groups; it uses the methodology of the Small Grants Program of UNDP, under the methodology of "learning by doing" involving the communities in the management of their own development; the importance lies in the fact that it is the beneficiary population that knows their community environment, in order to be able to give sustainability to the managed projects.

The methodology, developed during a week, seeks to identify the main challenges of the communities, making an initial diagnosis that allows to establish a link between the development of the community and the economic activities that are prioritized as a project profile. Likewise, a logical framework is constructed in a participatory manner, with its objectives, activities and detailed budget. Among the project initiatives that will be financed by the Ruta Lenca Joint Program are those linked to the main productive chains of the Intibucá area: coffee, corn, potatoes, lodging, gastronomy, handicrafts and tangible and intangible cultural heritage, revaluing the culture of the Indigenous People Lenca
With the Joint Program, target groups of women and young people are expected and 4,313 people will be directly supported and approximately 10,521 indirectly with an approximate amount of 180,000 lempiras for each undertaking.
The Lenca people are one of the nine indigenous peoples of Honduras. 44 of the 52 poorest municipalities in the country are located on the Lenca Route, designed to ensure the promotion of social cohesion and inclusive and sustainable economic development through sustainable ecotourism. The Lenca route has important tourist attractions, colonial vestiges, natural wealth and living culture with great potential for the development of these communities,