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February 14, 2019
From the MDG-F to the SDG Fund: lessons learnt
As part of the end of mandate process of the Sustainable Development Goals Fund (SDG Fund), United Nations officials participated today in a technical meeting to discuss and share some challenges and lessons learned on the development cooperation programs over the last decade, including the activities of the SDG Fund as well as the previous Millennium Development Goals Fund (MDG Fund).
Among the attendees were Gülden Turkoz-Cosslett, UNDP Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy Director of BERA; Bruno Moro, former director of both the MDG Fund and the SDG Fund; Paloma Durán, former director of the SDG Fund; Jennifer Topping, Executive Coordinator of the Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTFO); Catherine Wong, Programmes Specialist and Officer in Charge of the SDG Fund; as well as Raúl de Mora, Communications Specialist of the SDG Fund.
They discussed relevant aspects such as the coordination work and the promotion of the SDGs among the private sector, which after the approval of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development left its role of exclusive donor to be considered another decisive actor in the development. Also, the achievements made in terms of promoting national ownership by beneficiary communities or the work of innovation and updating protocols to achieve efficient and effective coordination among UN agencies were highlighted.
The participants also highlighted the good results in terms of transparency and accountability of the programs thanks to the coordination with the MPTFO, from which valuable lessons were also extracted on investments, system standardization, transparency and effectiveness of donations.
The Millennium Development Goals Fund (MDG-F) was an international cooperation mechanism launched in 2007 with the noble mission of promoting the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) around the world , providing support to national governments, local authorities and citizen organizations in their initiatives to fight against poverty and inequality.
Approved in 2015, the SDG Fund continued the work of the MDG Fund as the first international mechanism for multi-donor and multi-agency development created in 2014 by the United Nations to support sustainable development activities through joint multidimensional and integrated programs.
Over the last three years, the SDG Fund aimed to unite UN agencies, national governments, the academic world, civil society and companies to face the challenges of poverty, to promote the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to achieve the SDGs, as well as to encourage public-private partnerships for the SDGs through joint programs for development.