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Complex global schoks and the new challenges for civil society

Events surrounding the global financial crash of 2008 have crystallised the view that the speed with which economic shocks are transmitted around the world has accelerated and that the shocks are increasingly complex in nature. Drawing on grounded accounts of what it means for people living in poverty to be part of a global economy at this time, this paper sets out four challenges for civil society: the need to a) breach its own boundaries, to address cross-cutting issues at their source; b) amplify the voice of those directly affected; c) influence a fairer policy response at local, national and global levels; and d) fertilise debate, to grow new understandings of how the global economy should work, and for whom.

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An evidence-based review of MDG-F experiences: a contribution to the QCPR process

This document was prepared by the MDG-F in 2012 to systemize its experience to date in joint programming and implementation through its 130 joint programmes in 50 countries across five regions in eight thematic areas. The document includes evidence based lessons and good practices on issues closely related to those that were discussed during the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR), with the goal of contributing to this QCPR process. These issues include: 1. The coherence, effectiveness, relevance, and efficiency of development programmes; 2. National ownership of development processes and results; 3. Capacity development and sustainability of development results; and 4. Mutual accountability.

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Implementation guidelines for MDG Achievement Fund joint programmes

The following MDG-F guidelines were drafted in response to the demand from UN participating organizations and their national counterparts, to consolidate experiences on joint programmes and provide guidance on joint programmes and implementation at the national level. The guidelines reflect lessons learned from our partners at the country level (including national governments at the central, regional and municipal levels, UNCT, UN agencies, civil society organizations) as well as the philosophy of the Fund, and ultimately aim to guide the implementation of MDG-F financed joint programmes. At the centre of this exercise is the ambition to improve the ability of the UN to deliver results that support national development outcomes, while placing greater emphasis on government leadership and commitment.

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Knowledge management for culture and development: MDG-F joint programmes in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Uruguay

This publication is part of series that seeks to present the Knowledge Management project on culture and development and provide information on the five Joint Programmes implemented in Latin America between 2008 and 2013. It provides an overview the operational challenges and success of each project and demonstrates the relative impact that each had on accelerating progress toward the Millennium Development Goals.

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Knowledge management for culture and development: MDG-F joint programmes in Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco and occupied Palestinian territory

Sharing centuries old cultural, religious, linguistic and historical heritage, the Arab States have long placed their heritage at centre stage, focusing on its promotion for tourism as a path to development. This publication is part of series that seek to present the Knowledge Management project and provide information on the four Joint Programmes implemented in the Arab States between 2008 and 2013. It provides an overview the operational challenges and success of each project and demonstrates the relative impact that each had on accelerating progress toward the Millennium Development Goals.

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Knowledge management for culture and development: MDG-F joint programmes in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Namibia and Senegal

This publication is part of series that seeks to present the knowledge management project on culture and development and provide information on the four Joint Programmes implemented in Africa between 2008 and 2013. It provides an overview the operational challenges and success of each project and demonstrates the relative impact that each had on accelerating progress toward the Millennium Development Goals.

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Knowledge management for culture and development: MDG-F joint programmes in Cambodia and China

The overall purpose of the MDG-F’s Thematic Window on Culture and Development is to demonstrate that, even though culture is not explicitly mentioned in the Millennium Development Goals, cultural assets are an essential component of national development, notably in terms of poverty alleviation and social inclusion. This publication is part of series that seek to present the Knowledge Management project and provide information on the two Joint Programmes implemented in Asia between 2008 and 2012, namely in Cambodia and China. It highlights four key projects that focused on Culture and Entrepreneurship and Culture and Social Dialogue. It provides an overview the operational challenges and success of each project and demonstrates the relative impact that each had on accelerating progress toward the Millennium Development Goals.

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Harnessing sustainable linkages for SMEs in Turkey’s textile sector

This report provides comprehensive information about best practice examples of national and international research centres that aim to increase competitiveness of SMEs in the textile and apparel sectors. The document provides an analysis of best practices in research centres in five countries with priority given to ones that prioritize the environment, corporate social responsibility, supply chain structuring and sustainability as well as proposes a model for a research centre based in Malatya, Turkey. Within this proposal administrative structure, job descriptions and related legislation of the universities is also provided.

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Eurobarometer public opinion on culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The main purpose of this research was to examine and evaluate the ways in which B&H citizens think and behave in the area of culture and cultural activities, as well as to measure specific indicators that will allow the monitoring of changes and evolvement of cultural values in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This report examines the following themes: 1) How the citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) define the concept of culture and evaluate its relevance to their everyday lives, 2) Use of Internet and other forms of media, especially in relation to cultural activities, as well as viewing/listening habits, 3) Cultural activities that Bosnians tend to engage in and the extent to which they do so, while also examining the barriers, in terms of limited access to or a limited offer of cultural programs and activities, and 4) Attitudes toward the diversity of BiH culture and views of cross-culturalism and globalization. The results are analyzed for each question individually, breaking it down in terms of municipalities and socio-demographic variables where differences are found to be significant. Subsequently, the results are also evaluated in comparison to the Eurobarometer average for corresponding topics.

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Methodology for statistical reporting in the culture sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina

This working document comes as a result of implementation of the MDG Programme Culture for Development – Improvement of Intercultural Understanding in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The need to create reporting forms for legal entities operating in the area of culture in BiH was recognized by statistical experts. The purpose of development of these statistical reporting forms was to establish a harmonized system and tools for the statistical data collection and their availability to data users in order to provide the policy makers and their users with an insight into indicators of cultural activities' development. A total of 15 cultural areas were addressed during the process of development of these forms and each is accompanied by the methodology used in their creation.

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Report on the cultural management best practices analysis in EU and Swiss cultural institutions: 11 case studies

The main aim of this Report is to present the best practice regarding cultural management of the cultural institutions from EU and Switzerland that can serve as an instructive model of management practices for the cultural institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). It provides an overview on the management and structural models, methods, tools and strategies either already implemented in the recent past or being conceived for implementation of the strategic management visions of the selected institutions. The complexity and diversity of the cultural sector in EU and Switzerland implies that this report should be considered as a non-representative sample, rather than as a comprehensive overview of the situation in the cultural sector in the European Union and Switzerland as a whole. However, the trends identified within the 11 case studies compiled in this report and the key conclusions derived from them, offer informative and instructive insights for the BiH cultural organizations.

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Handbook to support dispute resolution in multicultural communities in Macedonia

The purpose of this Handbook is to provide an overview for citizens, local governments and community-based organizations on practices that can be used to resolve disputes in multicultural communities. This Handbook also aims to orient its readers with local resources that can be called upon to help resolve community-based disputes. It provides an easily accessible starting point for community leaders who wish to access experts to help mediate disputes. The Handbook also includes practical information on the different methods for dispute resolution, while including examples of success stories that result from such application.

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National and local capacities for strengthening inter-ethnic dialogue and collaboration in Macedonia

The findings and recommendations in this report are taken directly from a broad series of consultations with stakeholders at local and national levels in Macedonia aimed at supporting inter-ethnic dialogue and collaboration in the country. The process of assessing capacities included structured and informal meetings, focus group discussions, interviews and training sessions. Those involved were stakeholders from local and national government, Parliament, political parties, professional agencies, international and non-governmental organizations, the media, youth and women’s groups, the business community, as well as civic and religious leaders and academic and legal experts. This report provides information on the resources, practices, approaches and instruments available to various stakeholders, as well as recommendations for policy makers and community leaders on ways to enhance or build new frameworks and approaches to enhancing inter-ethnic dialogue within their communities.

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Knowledge management for culture and development

This report capitalizes on the multifaceted aspects of the experiences of the MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F) and builds on knowledge gleaned from Joint Programmes’ project implementation, success stories and lessons learned, as this is crucial both to knowledge generation and to knowledge capitalization with a view to informing future cultureand development programming and policy.

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From global agenda to national action

The purpose of this publication is to review and highlight the effectiveness of the MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F) as a development cooperation mechanism. The MDG-F focuses on three features that distinguish it from other international mechanisms: (i) the promotion of intersectoral approaches to deal with complex development challenges with a view to accelerating the achievement of the MDGs; (ii) the implementation of the Paris Declarations principles, both at the national and local levels, as a tool for MDG achievement; and (iii) the enhancement of the UN system-wide coherence to increase coordination and effectiveness in supporting countries in achieving the MDGs. This research is divided into two parts. The first presents finding in relation to the three overarching goals outlined above, using evidence from programmes across the 50 countries in which the MDG-F has operated in the period from 2008-2013. The second part presents six in-depth country case studies. The research's policy implications may help national governments to reflect on innovative, intersectoral programmes that can contribute to achieving the MDGs and the future sustainable development goals. The report can also inspire the UN system to deepen system-wide coherence reform and reflect upon the added value of multiple-agency coordinated interventions. Finally, the paper can help international donor to consider the appropriateness of investing in intersectoral and joint initiatives at the country level.

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Review of MDG-F joint programmes: key findings and achievements

The review presents the key findings and achievements of the 130 joint programmes across 50 countries supported by the MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F) covering eight thematic areas: children, food security and nutrition; youth employment and migration; culture and development; gender equity and women’s empowerment; private sector and development; conflict prevention and peace building; environment and climate change; and democratic economic governance.

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Networks for prosperity: achieving development goals through knowledge sharing

This report intends to provide decision-makers with a basis for including knowledge management and knowledge networking in policy considerations related to development strategy, effectiveness and governance. It is not intended as a full, in-depth study of all the links between knowledge networking, network governance and private sector development, but it gives an overview of the various concepts, provides new findings on correlations between them and illustrates these concepts with country case studies. The report is the outcome of a request to UNIDO, the technical convener agency of the funding window “Development and the Private Sector” of the MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F), to create a knowledge management concept that would support developing countries in acquiring and adapting private sector development (PSD) relevant knowledge to their specific contexts and needs, and enhance the knowledge capabilities of the United Nations system and its national counterparts and partners in the field of PSD policy.

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Development and the private sector: thematic study on review of key findings and achievements

This report looks at the achievements of one of the eight ‘windows’ of the MDG-F on development and the private sector (PSD). There are 12 joint programmes in this window, each designed to tackle extreme poverty and hunger through inclusive, pro-poor business development. Each programme is jointly run by UN agencies (typically 4-5 agencies) in the host country, implemented in collaboration with national and local counterparts.

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Lessons learned from MDG-F thematic window, private sector and development: providing valuable knowledge to future interventions in developing countries

This study constitutes a valuable opportunity for information and experience sharing among UN agencies and Joint Programmes supported by the MDG-F. Its purpose is to provide knowledge and substantial insights to future interventions in developing countries regarding the design, management and implementation processes of private sector development-related programmes.

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Networks for prosperity: connecting development knowledge beyond 2015

This study is the second report prepared by UNIDO’s Networks for Prosperity initiative which aimed to establish a knowledge management concept that would support developing countries in acquiring and adapting private sector development (PSD)-relevant knowledge to their specific contexts and development needs, and enhance the knowledge capabilities of the United Nations system and its national counterparts and partners in the field of PSD policy. This report is divided into five parts and concludes with recommendation that have been formulated for consideration by UN Member States.

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Towards a peoples’ multilateralism: the United Nations, development networks and civil society

This paper is an attempt to review and synthesize the main literature, arguments, theories and proposals coming from academia, civil society, politicians and commentators on the “new multilateralism”– a complex, multilayered process where non-state actors have become increasingly important players in global governance. The paper goes on to look at key recent trends within civil society thinking and practice, and analyses the historical and emerging relationship between the UN and civil society. Finally it suggests principles for better engagement between the UN and civil society and funnels recommendations on which UNDP may commission further studies, start discussions or set in train processes that will create a better understanding of how to strengthen space for civil society engagement in global governance and what the role of the United Nations and of UNDP in particular can be in channeling civil society contributions to the vision of a revitalized multilateralism.

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