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The Sustainable Development Goals are coming to life: stories of country implementation and UN support

This publication provides a glimpse into the early efforts of 16 countries across regions to bring the global SDGs to life, and the role United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs) play in the process. It illustrates how these countries are beginning to integrate the 2030 Agenda into visions, strategies and plans at the national, sub-national and local levels. The country efforts include raising public awareness, seeking engagement of different stakeholders, adapting the SDGs to national and local contexts, increasing coherence across policy areas and between levels of government, assessing risk and strengthening monitoring and accountability mechanisms.

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The Sustainable Development Goals are coming to life: stories of country implementation and UN support

This publication provides a glimpse into the early efforts of 16 countries across regions to bring the global SDGs to life, and the role United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs) play in the process. It illustrates how these countries are beginning to integrate the 2030 Agenda into visions, strategies and plans at the national, sub-national and local levels. The country efforts include raising public awareness, seeking engagement of different stakeholders, adapting the SDGs to national and local contexts, increasing coherence across policy areas and between levels of government, assessing risk and strengthening monitoring and accountability mechanisms.

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Baseline investigation of horticulture value chain in Upper Egypt

The “pro poor Horticulture Chain in Upper Egypt project” was a joint programme between specialized agencies and entities of the United Nations working in collaboration with national counterparts. The overall objective of the project was to enhance the efficiency and productivity of Upper Egypt’s small farmers and agricultural workers, and also to build the capacity of small Farmers’ Associations (FAs). This document is the result of a 2010 baseline investigation of the horticulture value chain in Upper Egypt and provides a better understanding of challenges faced by small farmers and also presents a comprehensive gap assessment of the local Farmers Associations and Post-harvest Centers (PHCs).

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Adaptation to climate change in the Zarqa river basin: development of policy options and integrated water resources management (IWRM)

This report summarizes the results of the second objective of the project “Review opportunities and barriers to adaptation to climate change risks” and included three major tasks: 1) Review national water strategy in Jordan, 2) Identify gaps in these policies, and 3) Propose policy options for adaptation to climate change to be adopted by policy makers. This report provides an overview of the prevailing legal and institutional framework of the water sector in Jordan in relation to climate change adaptation in the Zarqa River Basin. It also proposes a water policy for Jordan and aids the country in moving toward sustainable water resources management. It is argued that the type of climate change policy proposed could help in reducing the climate change impact of increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation.

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Adaptation to climate change In the Zarqa river basin: opportunities and barriers

This report’s main objective is to compile adaptation measures that are relevant to water availability and quality of water resources in the Zerqa River Basin (ZRB) that can be considered best-practices for adaptation to climate change. By doing this, it aims to support the efforts of the Government of Jordan through the Ministry of Environment to incorporate Integrated Water Resource management into climate change adaptation in the water sector. This report investigates the barriers and constraints that need to be assessed to overcome suggested adaptation measures. Based on a general classification of adaptation barriers, potential barriers to implementation of adaptation measures have been analysed and evaluated according to their degree of severity.

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An evidence-based review of MDG-F experiences: a contribution to the QCPR process

This document was prepared by the MDG-F in 2012 to systemize its experience to date in joint programming and implementation through its 130 joint programmes in 50 countries across five regions in eight thematic areas. The document includes evidence based lessons and good practices on issues closely related to those that were discussed during the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR), with the goal of contributing to this QCPR process. These issues include: 1. The coherence, effectiveness, relevance, and efficiency of development programmes; 2. National ownership of development processes and results; 3. Capacity development and sustainability of development results; and 4. Mutual accountability.

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Clean development mechanism evaluation study: adoption of heat recovery power generation within the Chinese coal-gangue brick sector

China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of building materials. The Chinese clay brick sector consumes around one billion tonnes of clay per year. Recent policies aim to limit the manufacture of clay bricks and encourage the use of industrial waste materials instead, in particular coal-gangue brick (CGB). This report is the result of a study into the potential of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to finance CGB HRPG projects in China in order to accelerate the sector-wide uptake of Heat Recovery Power Generation (HRPG )and reduce GHG emissions. The study uses a detailed cash flow model to analyse CDM potential for the CGB sector and, specifically, at the two pilot sites, applying a range of carbon price scenarios for different CDM development approaches (single project, bundled projects and programmatic CDM).

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Policy brief for climate change adaptation of the agricultural sector in Egypt

This policy brief provides an overview of the Egyptian agricultural sector, identifies key challenges facing agriculture and the need for new policy, estimates financial resources needed and savings, as well as offers policy recommendations and an overall climate change adaptation policy framework structure.

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Greening value chains for sustainable handicrafts production in Vietnam

The environmental impacts of crafts production by households and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are often considered negligible given the scale of their operation, yet taking into account their sheer sheer number, use of natural materials and limited capabilities, their production practices should also be appropriately addressed. This study analyzes a comprehensive, integrated and coordinated intervention to “green” five value chains in Viet Nam, respectively in the: bamboo and rattan, seagrass, sericulture and silk, lacquerware and handmade paper sectors. This publication includes examples and case studies that show, with concerted effort and application of local and international knowledge, cleaner production techniques can be made practical, applicable and cost-effective for crafts-producing households and MSMEs.

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